Monday, May 3, 2010

In Search of the Seneca Horn Potato

Some years ago, we had a family taste test of potato varieties from the garden, sampling them plain. Our favorite was Seneca Horn, an heirloom of uncertain origins. To us, it tasted of butter, mayonnaise, even cheese-- and that's with only a pinch of salt.

Nevertheless, the variety became unavailable anywhere-- until this year, when a Norwegian grower offered tiny olive-pit-sized tubers by mail, through Seed Savers Exchange (left, in photo). The challenge now is to get the little things to sprout eyes and grow to a reasonable size. And then to propagate this talented spud and make it available through SSE myself.


Frank Sciacca said...

I'd be interested to know how your Seneca Horn progress. We also received a few small tubers from Norway last fall-- when I looked them over around March, I noted that they were withering and mold-encrusted... so we planted them in our greenhouse... and three of the five tubers are now flourishing. We'll transplant them to our garden in another few weeks and hope for success. We already grow two other early varieties-- Cups and Lumpers. Last year's Cups crop was so successful, we are able to offer them through Seed Savers this year. Frank Sciacca, The 1812 Garden, Hamilton College

Roger Yepsen said...

Frank-- I just figured out how to respond to you ancient comment, of last May. To answer your question, i lost track of my Norwegian Seneca Horns, while focusing on fencing in the garden to exclude woodchucks. I did manage to snare a few Ulrich's Blue from that source.
I didn't notice your offering of Seneca in this year's Seedsavers' yearbook, but would be interested in ordering some if available. I am a nonlisting member this year.
I just sent off an order for four spuds from the Maine Potato Lady, a small family operation that offers some interesting varieties.
Thanks for visiting my sleepy blog!
-- Roger Yepsen, Barto PA